The Bodily System You Weren’t Taught About at School and it’s Critical Role in Women’s Health

Your body is teeming with weed receptors

Ellie Collins
8 min readJul 2, 2020
Image by Julia Teichmann from Pixabay

Inside every single one of us resides a complex system deemed to be “the most important physiologic system involved in establishing and maintaining human health”, but it’s a system that you’ve probably never heard of, nor do they teach you about it at school. Yet without it, none of our other bodily systems would work cohesively with each other.

Let me introduce you to the endocannabinoid system (ECS), dedicated to interacting with cannabis-like molecules. It’s not exclusive to humans either — all vertebrates and invertebrates are known to have one.

You’re probably relatively aware of the fact that your body is a complex network of systems, from your digestive system, to cardiovascular, to respiratory and reproductive systems. These systems all interact with one another, making up the single, intricate system that is the human body.

This is where the ECS comes in. It plays a critical function in your body, well beyond the process it’s named after, which is interacting with cannabis and cannabis-like substances that occur naturally inside every single one of us, even if you’ve never smoked a joint in your life.



Ellie Collins

Lover of writing, fanatic of cats, drinker of wine. Passionate about all things sustainability, health and wellness. You can find me at